
Pests, Pests and Yikes!

            In the Philippines, though most insects are harmless or even beneficial, there can be found a variety of insects that are dangerous and can pose a threat to both humans and animals. One such insect is the Asian giant hornet, known for its aggressive behavior and painful sting that can result in severe allergic reactions. The country is also home to various species of spiders, such as the red back spider and black widow, both known for their potent venom that can cause serious health complications if bitten. Many of the insects pose non-life threatening properties, however may cause severe reactions such as burns, rashes, very painful bites, and a host of other symptoms. It is crucial to be cautious when encountering these insects and take necessary precautions to avoid potential problems.

Asian Giant Hornet

These giants can reach up to 2 inches in length. Their stings are excruciatingly painful and can cause allergic reactions. A swarm of Asian giant hornets can be lethal, especially to those with allergies.

Rove Beetle

The Rove beetles have a toxic chemical in their body fluids that, if it gets on human skin, can cause a burning, blistering rash.

Bullet Ant

Possessing one of the most painful insect stings in the world, a bullet ant's sting is likened to being shot. Their stings can induce fever, paralysis, and intense pain lasting for many hours.

Kissing Bug

These blood-sucking insects can transmit Chagas disease, a potentially life-threatening illness. They often feed on human faces, earning them their peculiar name.


Botfly larvae infest the flesh of warm-blooded hosts, causing painful boils. Infestation is often a result of botfly eggs laid by mosquitoes on the skin.

Red Weaver Ant

Their painful bites are likened to being burned by hot metal. Although not lethal, an encounter with a swarm can be excruciating.


These creatures boast an alarming number of legs and venomous fangs. Their bites can cause swelling, pain, and in some cases, allergic reactions.

Tussock Moth Caterpillar

These fuzzy critters seem harmless. However, if you touch them with a bare finger, you will feel as if you have been pricked by glass.

Paper Wasp

Paper wasps are known for their aggressive nature when defending their nests. Their stings can trigger severe allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.


A carrier of diseases like dengue, chikungunya, and Zika virus. Dengue alone affects millions and kills several in the Philippines each year.

Red Back Spider

The red back spider, also known as the Australian black widow, is a species of highly venomous spider believed to originate in Australia.

Black Widow Spider

Although less common in the Philippines, their venomous bites can be deadly. Seek immediate medical attention if bitten by a black widow.

Fire Ant

Their bites can lead to painful pustules and, in some cases, allergic reactions. These ants are known for their aggressive behavior when defending their nests.

Tsetse Fly

Found in some remote areas, tsetse flies transmit African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness. The disease can be fatal if left untreated.

Africanized Honey Bee

Also known as “killer bees,” these bees are highly aggressive and attack in swarms. Their stings can be lethal to those with allergies.