Master Calculator

Master Calculator Help

  • You can use decimal comma ( , ) (which is standard in many countries), as well as decimal point ( . )
Scientific Notations:
  • In scientific notations use the "Exp" button to enter the exponential.
  • Negative numbers start with a minus ( − ). (Examples: 23.5 | 23,5 | -23,5 | (-23.5) | 2,35e+1 | 2.35e-2)
  • In the calculation functions have the highest priority followed by  ×  and  ÷
  • Lowest priority has  +  and   −
  • The priority order can be changed by the use of brackets.
Math Objects:
  • Math.sqrt(x), Math.pow(x,y) or any other Math Objects may be used but are not essential.
  • Numbers that are parameters in Math Object Methods must be given with decimal point because decimal comma is used to separate parameters.
  • Don't mix Math Objects with the use of calculator-buttons in the same calculation!
  • A radian is an angle whose corresponding arc in a circle is equal to the radius of the circle.